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Keyboard Shortcuts
Learn how to work with Voilà more efficiently using your keyboard.
+ CCopy Response & Close
Press + C to copy the last response and close the chat window.
+ F Search Chat History
Press + F after opening the chat window to quickly search the chat history.
⏎ (Return)Regenerate Response
Pressing the Return key once Voilà has responded will regenerate the last response.
⌫ (Backspace)Edit Last Message
Pressing the Backspace key right after Voilà has responded will allow you to edit the last message.
EscReset current action
Depending on the current state of the chat window, the Escape key has multiple functions.
- While writing a response, pressing the Esc key will stop the response.
- If the Chat prompt contains any text, it will clear the text.
- If the Chat prompt is empty, pressing the Esc will close the chat window.